========== Connection ========== .. currentmodule:: activelogic .. autoclass:: Connection() .. autoattribute:: Connection.machineid .. autoattribute:: Connection.distversion .. automethod:: Connection.close Connect ======= .. autofunction:: sync_connect Async Connect (advanced) ======================== .. autofunction:: async_connect .. literalinclude:: examples/api/connect_asyncapi.py Note that simply calling a coroutine will not schedule it to be executed: >>> api.async_connect("", "admin", "password") To actually run a coroutine, `asyncio` provides three main mechanisms: - Await the coroutine. - The :func:`asyncio.run` function. - The :func:`asyncio.create_task` function. Please refer to the Python Standard Library documentation for further details. Resources ========= .. automethod:: Connection.begin .. automethod:: Connection.config .. automethod:: Connection.sysdiag .. automethod:: Connection.channels .. automethod:: Connection.ruleset .. automethod:: Connection.fileserv .. automethod:: Connection.users .. automethod:: Connection.statsfs .. automethod:: Connection.system_overview .. automethod:: Connection.logs Restart of Services and System ============================== .. automethod:: Connection.reload .. automethod:: Connection.reboot